Hey all, and welcome to my blog. I've decided to embark on a bit of lifestyle-changing, due to the number of difficulties I'm having at this point in my life. To start, a bit of background about me.
Back in September of '09, I injured a muscle in my back, called the erector spinae. For any that know Latin, this is the set of muscles that allows us humans to walk upright (erect). This was a rather devastating injury for me, and when I finally was able to get a job in April of '10, it limited me in what I was able to do. Six months later, I was able to get much more functionality out of it, which pleased me. I had started loosing weight due to working so much, often between 40-60 hours a week at Subway, so I was always active. However, just because I could do more, it didn't stop the pain. I started seeking a different place to work, hopefully at a desk.
November of '10, my wish was granted, and I got a job as a receptionist. Of course, changing from being active to a desk job was bound to have some effect on my weight. I was 130 pounds in April of '10, and now find myself at 155 pounds in March of '11. Seeing as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and arthritis all run in my family, I know I can't afford to continue gaining weight, much less to keep on what I've already gained.
So, obviously, I look to fixing my diet and getting some exercise. However, it has gotten to the point where I can barely stand to walk my dog for ten minutes. It's not for a lack of stamina, but that the pain in my back will get so intense that I have to severely slow down, if not abort, all exercise. This threw a major kink in the plans.
So, for about two weeks, I moped, wondering if I would end up like my mother, hardly able to move for years at a time, and limping and gimping about even on the good days. Well, one of the percs at my job is that there is a lot of down time and no restricted internet access. So today, I decided to do some research and see what kind of exercise programs were available for people with back injuries.
While it's not an exercise program, I stumbled upon something that seemed promising. It is the "Pain Free" method by Pete Egoscue. While not exactly an exercise regime, this program helps to correct chronic pain issues, most if not all of which are actually caused by musculoskeletal issues. After reading the millions of reviews on the
Amazon page, I decided to check my local library, as I really try not to buy into hypes; especially if it means actually spending money!
The book has a no-nonsense approach and explains the author's thought processes very well. I am amazed to say that after even one session, only doing the hip and ankle exercises, I can already feel a noticeable difference. I am by no means cured, but I really didn't expect to feel a difference this quickly! I can twist side to side much better, and bending is much smoother now. Even walking has a more natural rhythm to it now and is a more smooth set of motions. I will keep everyone posted on it's continued effects, but for now, I'm one happy girl!
So, my goals.
1. To follow the Egoscue method daily
2. Once I feel confident enough, to start a daily work out regime
3. To eat healthier
4. To research diets and find something that will work for me and my lifestyle (though I'm considering the Primal Diet, link on the side of the blog)
Ultimately, I hope to loose some inches around the belly, and to get back down to around 130-135 pounds. My boyfriend is a big health and fitness nut, so once my back allows me to go to the gym, I'm sure I can count on him to drag me there. He's very supportive and is simply wonderful, never critiquing my body and always willing to help any way he can.