Friday, March 18, 2011

Walking Shoes

Well, unfortunately, this is the smallest size picture I'm able to find of my beloved shoes. But, I'm super excited to be getting them! My local store (that I had heard of but never been in), Blue Ridge Mountain Sports, carries these shoes, which are noted for helping to re-align the spine and for providing a more natural walking experience. I've noticed recently that any time I start walking, my feet swell and become painful. This isn't as bad in my athletic shoes as it is in, say, my boots, but it's still noticeable. Why? My feet, though comfortable, aren't being allowed to pan out to their full width. Even walking on the grass, my feet were still uncomfortable when I finished.

Enter Vibram's Five Fingered Shoes. The name is weird, but the testimony of the effectiveness of the shoes is compelling. So, today when I get off of work, I'm going to go purchase my very own pair of Vibram's. I'm getting the KSO variety, which is a good, basic variety for just walking around in. Hopefully, this will make my walking more pleasurable.

Naomi and I walked well over a mile yesterday around our local Mount Trashmore Park, and had a grand time, sniffing, watching ducks, jogging up the hill (though we walked down the hill!) and generally just hanging out and having a good time with each other. I plan to do the same with her today, but with pictures! It was absolutely glorious out, and today is an even prettier day!

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