Well, it's been a while since I've written. I've lost 5 pounds so far, but have had some weird side effects. Really, only one side effect; the changes I've made effected my period, resulting in my being 12 days late. However, my period is normally bad enough to knock me on my ass with pain, meaning that I HAVE to take medicine to be able to go to work, or even get out of bed. While I am noticing slight discomfort, there hasn't been any trauma! This is simply amazing to me. My weight is fluctuating with the period, so I'll give an actual weigh-in once I'm all settled out again.
In the mean time, I've been experimenting with Primal recipes and trying to tweak my diet. My carb intake was in the ketosis range (read, good for short term, bad for long term), every single day. My caloric intake was also less than 1000 calories a day, which is why I was tired all of the time. I've had to add more EVOO (extra virgin olive oil), and I'm also adding coconut oil, which is like a cure-all for anything and everything. Both have caloric ranges from 120-170 per tablespoon, so it's an easy way to add calories without adding bad fats. Coconut oil is also (supposedly) a great health and beauty product, especially when paired with olive oil.
I found a brand of body wash at the Heritage market made with organic ingredients. Coconut oil, of course, is among them, along with Plaintain Peel Powder, Cocoa pod powder, and Palm Kernel Oil. Those four are the only ingredients. I'm going to try it tonight and see how it feels. It's the "Original Black Soap", called Alata, from Abike Naturals. I'm also trying to replace other products I use regularly with more natural equivalents. Ever notice that you get sick if you swallow toothpaste? Flouride is toxic, so yeah, makes sense. So.......why do people tell us it's a good thing that we put it in our bodies? Beats me. I'd much rather use a natural alternative. However, that shall have to wait until my next paycheck, and the brand I'm going to try is Tooth Soap. I might try mixing my own together, if I can get some mint extract (or maybe even try without it). There's only 5 ingredients in any case; extra virgin olive oil (got it), coconut oil (got it), spring water (I'll cop out and use tap), calcium and magnesium (uhhh...?) and "essential oils" (don't got it). Still, I've heard of people only brushing with the coconut oil, so I might just experiment a little later this evening.
My goal is to stop using all of the chemical-laden products that are all over our stores and televisions, and go back to organic, natural products. It might not make me live longer, but I doubt it'll shorten my lifespan. Besides, I'll feel better for using natural products and cutting the crap out of my life.
Here's to living Primal. Salud.
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