Saturday, March 12, 2011

Depressing News

Well, I went to the doctor yesterday because my job wants me to have a TB test done (tuberculosis) and of course they had to take my vitals. I got on the scale, full of dread, and saw the horrific number: 156.1. Ouch! A few more pounds, and I'll hit 160, a full 40 pounds higher than my high school weight.

Luckily, I have an amazing boyfriend that, as aforementioned, is very supportive. Even on the weekends, he's not letting me escape! We got a little cycle machine, like the one in the picture. However, it didn't work out very well. The rubber feet on the bottom didn't stay in place, and would cause the whole unit to start sliding forward on the carpet every 30 seconds or so. Seeing as I have no place to use this on a hard surface in my home, we are returning it and are going to be getting an exercise ball (the big one to help focus on the core workout) and a "medicine ball" (a weighted ball to mess around with while on the bouncy one).

The Egoscue e-cises are going well. When I wrote last, I had only tried some for the ankles and hips. Today, I added some of the back e-cises to them and am feeling surprisingly well! I feel well enough to start working (slowly, so as not to hurt myself) on an exercise regimen. Once we exchange the folding cycle, I'll be doing some of the core workout exercises that I found on Squidoo (on the link page). Don't know how I'm going to manage to be able to take continuous weights, but I shall somehow manage. Until next time!

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